I have this book. It tells me that I'm not a gal that has a salt water fish tank, but that I'm now a marine aquarist. I like that.
So far the tank is doing well ( a bit cloudy but not unusual for a new setup). I'm learning. I used to have a freshwater fish tank for years, (even though this is good for general knowledge of the nitrogen cycle it still has a big learning curve when moving to salt water), I always wanted a salt water tank. Every time I went to the fish store I would look at the salt water fish and be in amazement of how colorful and beautiful they were. There are some really cool freshwater fish but they really cannot compare.
So now I have a 165 gallon salt water fish tank, recessed in the wall. I did not go into this endeavor all alone. At Amherst Ave where we used to live we hired a painter to freshen up the place before selling. We got to talking and I asked him if he was willing to work on the house we wanted to buy, if all worked out. He said yes. We talked more about fish tanks (since there was one small 10 gallon freshwater in the room). He (Nick) has a salt water fish tank. We made a plans when he came to the new property, we would do it if we could!
He did it. Its amazing. Its a hobby though, you cannot just leave it be. You have to know it, maintain it, understand it and like doing all these things. Other than that..its simple.
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