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Friday, November 14, 2008


patti anastasi

Seems like yesterday not a year ago.
I miss him.
The last time I saw my Dad he was sitting on sofa
as usual and I told him I would see him
when I came back from Fl.
I saved the last BD card from my dad
he mailed it before I left for Fl.

I did see him but not the way I wanted
We had many fights but He was always the
go to guy for help and He was right there.

Miss you Dad

Patti the eldest

patti anastasi

I went to see my Dad at Vets cemetery the other
day and someone stole the flower holder on my Moms grave unbelievable.
I bought some christmas decorations and
some poinsettes but no holder to put them in.

I know where I would like to stick them


patti anastasi

Dec 26 Miss you Dad xoxoxox

patti anastasi

Went to cemetery & put some new flags on
Pops grave and also on Moms.

had to order them online can't find them
in a store down here.

Miss you Dad


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