free·think·er (frē'thĭng'kər)
One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
okay, so i really liked what she had to say. very well said in fact. but, if i'm being totally honest, her huge boobs and her huge mouth were really distracting . . . :)
If you take the word "religion" and replace it with what it really means, "a set of beliefs," then what this is really about is what everyone believes. If she did not carry on in this video in the usual arrogant spoiled brat sort of way that most people do, I could have taken her seriously. "Beliefs" to most people are a serious discussion and should be presented as such.
okay, so i really liked what she had to say. very well said in fact. but, if i'm being totally honest, her huge boobs and her huge mouth were really distracting . . . :)
Posted by: Sasha | Friday, November 07, 2008 at 04:41 AM
If you take the word "religion" and replace it with what it really means, "a set of beliefs," then what this is really about is what everyone believes. If she did not carry on in this video in the usual arrogant spoiled brat sort of way that most people do, I could have taken her seriously. "Beliefs" to most people are a serious discussion and should be presented as such.
Posted by: non | Sunday, September 05, 2010 at 06:31 PM