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Wednesday, January 09, 2008



My baby steve I feel so bad he is the best dog ever.

I am crazy about him. Not his ball though.



oh bless his little baby heart! porkchop & mr daniels send him all their best. steve is very lucky to have you as a mom!

- larissa


Poor little guy. Me and my brood are sending lots of well wishes. Saw your note on my blog the other day. . . I check in on you too from time to time. It was so exciting to read that it has been 6 years! Yay. I am so looking forward to getting there too. . . just trying not to jump too far ahead and miss what's happening right now. By the way, are you planning to go to Jacksonville next month for the young survivor's conference? I'll be there. . . not sure why I'm going, but it feels like I need to. We should try and connect if you're going too. Stay well. Big puppy hugs and kisses to Steve!

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